2 Kings
Elijah Denounces Ahaziah
Jehoram Succeeds Ahaziah
Elijah Taken Up to Heaven
Elisha Succeeds Elijah
Elisha Heals the Waters of Jericho
Elisha Mocked
Moab’s Rebellion
The Widow’s Oil
The Shunammite Woman
Elisha Raises the Shunammite’s Son
Elisha Purifies the Poisonous Stew
Feeding a Hundred Men
Naaman Cured of Leprosy
Gehazi’s Greed and Leprosy
The Axe Head Floats
Elisha Captures the Blinded Arameans
The Siege and Famine of Samaria
Elisha’s Prophecy of Plenty
The Syrians Flee
Elisha’s Prophecy Fulfilled
The Shunammite’s Land Restored
Hazael Murders Ben-hadad
Jehoram Reigns in Judah
Edom and Libnah Rebel
Ahaziah Reigns in Judah
Jehu Anointed King of Israel
Jehu Kills Joram and Ahaziah
Jezebel’s Violent Death
Ahab’s Seventy Sons Killed
Jehu Kills the Priests of Baal
Jehu Repeats Jeroboam’s Sins
Jehoahaz Succeeds Jehu in Israel
Athaliah and Joash
Joash Anointed King of Judah
The Death of Athaliah
Jehoiada Restores the Worship of the LORD
Joash Repairs the Temple
The Death of Joash
Jehoahaz Reigns in Israel
Jehoash Reigns in Israel
Elisha’s Final Prophecy
Amaziah Reigns in Judah
Jehoash Defeats Amaziah
Jeroboam II Succeeds Jehoash in Israel
The Death of Amaziah
Azariah Succeeds Amaziah in Judah
Jeroboam II Reigns in Israel
Azariah Reigns in Judah
Zechariah Reigns in Israel
Shallum Reigns in Israel
Menahem Reigns in Israel
Pekahiah Reigns in Israel
Pekah Reigns in Israel
Jotham Reigns in Judah
Ahaz Reigns in Judah
The Idolatry of Ahaz
Hoshea the Last King of Israel
Israel Carried Captive to Assyria
Samaria Resettled
Hezekiah Destroys Idolatry in Judah
Sennacherib Invades Judah
Sennacherib Threatens Jerusalem
Isaiah’s Message of Deliverance
Sennacherib’s Blasphemous Letter
Hezekiah’s Prayer
Sennacherib’s Fall Prophesied
Jerusalem Delivered from the Assyrians
Hezekiah’s Illness and Recovery
Hezekiah Shows His Treasures
Manasseh Succeeds Hezekiah
Manasseh Reigns in Judah
Manasseh’s Idolatries Rebuked
Amon Reigns in Judah
Josiah Reigns in Judah
Funding the Temple Repairs
Hilkiah Finds the Book of the Law
Huldah’s Prophecy
Josiah Renews the Covenant
Josiah Destroys Idolatry
Josiah Restores the Passover
The Death of Josiah
Jehoahaz Succeeds Josiah
Jehoiakim Reigns in Judah
Babylon Controls Jehoiakim
Jehoiachin Reigns in Judah
The Captivity of Jerusalem
Zedekiah Reigns in Judah
Nebuchadnezzar Besieges Jerusalem
The Temple Destroyed
Captives Carried to Babylon
Gedaliah Governs in Judah
The Murder of Gedaliah
Jehoiachin Released from Prison