Exodus 23:18
You must not offer the blood of My sacrifices with anything leavened, nor may the fat of My feast remain until morning.
Cross References
Exodus 12:10
Do not leave any of it until morning; before the morning you must burn up any part that is left over.

Exodus 16:19
Then Moses said to them, "No one may keep any of it until morning."

Exodus 29:34
And if any of the meat of ordination or any bread is left until the morning, you are to burn up the remainder. It must not be eaten, because it is sacred.

Exodus 34:25
Do not offer the blood of a sacrifice to Me along with anything leavened, and do not let any of the sacrifice from the Passover Feast remain until morning.

Leviticus 2:11
No grain offering that you present to the LORD may be made with leaven, for you are not to burn any leaven or honey as an offering made by fire to the LORD.

Leviticus 7:15
The meat of the sacrifice of his peace offering of thanksgiving must be eaten on the day he offers it; none of it may be left until morning.

Deuteronomy 16:4
No leaven is to be found in all your land for seven days, and none of the meat you sacrifice in the evening of the first day shall remain until morning.

Treasury of Scripture
You shall not offer the blood of my sacrifice with leavened bread; neither shall the fat of my sacrifice remain until the morning.


Exodus 12:8,15
And they shall eat the flesh in that night, roast with fire, and unleavened bread; and with bitter herbs they shall eat it…

Exodus 34:25
Thou shalt not offer the blood of my sacrifice with leaven; neither shall the sacrifice of the feast of the passover be left unto the morning.

Leviticus 2:11
No meat offering, which ye shall bring unto the LORD, shall be made with leaven: for ye shall burn no leaven, nor any honey, in any offering of the LORD made by fire.


Exodus 23:17
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