Proverbs 10:22
The blessing of the LORD enriches, and He adds no sorrow to it.
Cross References
Genesis 24:35
"The LORD has greatly blessed my master, and he has become rich. He has given him sheep and cattle, silver and gold, menservants and maidservants, camels and donkeys.

Genesis 26:12
Now Isaac sowed seed in the land, and that very year he reaped a hundredfold. And the LORD blessed him,

Genesis 26:13
and he became richer and richer, until he was exceedingly wealthy.

Deuteronomy 8:18
But remember that it is the LORD your God who gives you the power to gain wealth, in order to confirm His covenant that He swore to your fathers even to this day.

Deuteronomy 26:10
And now, behold, I have brought the firstfruits of the land that You, O LORD, have given me." Then you are to place the basket before the LORD your God and bow down before Him.

Deuteronomy 28:11
The LORD will make you prosper abundantly--in the fruit of your womb, the offspring of your livestock, and the produce of your land--in the land that the LORD swore to your fathers to give you.

2 Chronicles 25:9
Amaziah asked the man of God, "What should I do about the hundred talents I have given to the army of Israel?" And the man of God replied, "The LORD is able to give you much more than this."

Proverbs 8:21
bestowing wealth on those who love me and making their treasuries full.

Proverbs 14:24
The crown of the wise is their wealth, but the effort of fools is folly.

Daniel 1:15
And at the end of ten days, they looked healthier and better nourished than all the young men who were eating the king's food.

Treasury of Scripture
The blessing of the LORD, it makes rich, and he adds no sorrow with it.


Genesis 12:2
And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:

Genesis 13:2
And Abram was very rich in cattle, in silver, and in gold.

Genesis 14:23
That I will not take from a thread even to a shoelatchet, and that I will not take any thing that is thine, lest thou shouldest say, I have made Abram rich:


Proverbs 20:21
An inheritance may be gotten hastily at the beginning; but the end thereof shall not be blessed.

Proverbs 28:22
He that hasteth to be rich hath an evil eye, and considereth not that poverty shall come upon him.

Joshua 6:18
And ye, in any wise keep yourselves from the accursed thing, lest ye make yourselves accursed, when ye take of the accursed thing, and make the camp of Israel a curse, and trouble it.


Proverbs 10:21
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