*25:1 “Then”—this temporal adverb links the parable to the prior context, which is dealing with the Rapture (I think). Since the foolish ones are virgins, not prostitutes, and since they also had some oil (does the oil represent the Holy Spirit?), this parable may point to a partial rapture; only those who are ready are taken.
†25:4 From verse 8 it is clear that they all had oil in the lamp, but even with the wick down low their lamps were lit (they wouldn't wait in total darkness) and were burning oil (4-5 hours). So the delay of the bridegroom meant that the oil in the lamps was used up—the wise ones had extra oil.
‡25:13 About 11% of the Greek manuscripts omit “in which the Son of the Man is coming” (as in NIV, NASB, [LB], TEV, etc.).
§25:23 The two-talent man was just as faithful as the first one—he also doubled the principal—so he gets the same commendation. We are judged on the basis of what we do with our potential.
*25:25 Evidently the third man did not identify with his lord's interests. He served out of fear or necessity, but his heart wasn't in it. He has a negative opinion of his lord and is unrepentant: “here, take what is yours”. He winds up in hell. Are there not many ‘Christians’ today who have a low opinion of God? Who feel that He is hard, unfair, unjust—and who ‘serve’ out of fear or a sense of obligation? If you believe into Jesus you identify with Him.
†25:26 Observe that the owner did not deny the description. The first two servants identified with the owner's interests anyway.
‡25:29 I follow the best line of transmission, with 30% of the Greek manuscripts, in reading “he thinks that he has”, rather than ‘he has’ (as in most versions).
§25:29 Use it or lose it!
*25:30 To be “useless” is not a valid option. We are here for a purpose, to serve, to be useful.
†25:31 The Lord Jesus uses “the coming of the Son of the Man” to refer to both the Rapture and the Second Advent.
‡25:31 Perhaps 4% of the Greek manuscripts omit “holy” (as in NIV, NASB, LB, TEV, etc.). From Revelation 5:11 it appears that the holy angels are well over 100 million.
§25:32 It is clear that the King is dealing with individuals here; nations are made up of people, and each person will be evaluated individually.
*25:34 Wow!
†25:40 The King demands practical demonstrations of righteousness. As James says, a ‘faith’ that does not produce will not save anyone. “These my brothers” refers to those on the King's right.
‡25:41 The Lake of fire was prepared for Lucifer (now Satan) and those angels that joined his rebellion (about a third of the angelic beings—Revelation 12:4). Human beings who side with Satan (there are various ways of doing that) will also share his destiny. The basic meaning of the word translated ‘angel’ is ‘messenger’; many human beings are Satan's messengers.
§25:45 “These” presumably refers to those on His right, the righteous. The wicked will be judged for how they treated the righteous (among other things).
*25:45 These people are basically selfish and self-centered, and self-centeredness is the essence of sin. That is why Lucifer rebelled against God, etc.