Numbers 33:46
They set out from Dibon-gad and camped at Almon-diblathaim.
Cross References
Numbers 21:16
From there they went on to Beer, the well where the LORD said to Moses, "Gather the people so that I may give them water."

Numbers 33:45
They set out from Iyim and camped at Dibon-gad.

Numbers 33:47
They set out from Almon-diblathaim and camped in the mountains of Abarim facing Nebo.

Treasury of Scripture
And they removed from Dibongad, and encamped in Almondiblathaim.


Numbers 32:34
And the children of Gad built Dibon, and Ataroth, and Aroer,

Isaiah 15:2
He is gone up to Bajith, and to Dibon, the high places, to weep: Moab shall howl over Nebo, and over Medeba: on all their heads shall be baldness, and every beard cut off.

Jeremiah 48:18
Thou daughter that dost inhabit Dibon, come down from thy glory, and sit in thirst; for the spoiler of Moab shall come upon thee, and he shall destroy thy strong holds.


Jeremiah 48:22
And upon Dibon, and upon Nebo, and upon Bethdiblathaim,


Ezekiel 6:14
So will I stretch out my hand upon them, and make the land desolate, yea, more desolate than the wilderness toward Diblath, in all their habitations: and they shall know that I am the LORD.


Numbers 33:45
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