Psalm 144:10
to Him who gives victory to kings, who frees His servant David from the deadly sword.
Cross References
Hebrews 11:34
quenched the raging fire, and escaped the edge of the sword; who gained strength from weakness, became mighty in battle, and put foreign armies to flight.

2 Samuel 18:7
There the people of Israel were defeated by David's servants, and the slaughter was great that day--twenty thousand men.

2 Samuel 22:51
Great salvation He brings to His king. He shows loving devotion to His anointed, to David and his descendants forever."

Job 5:20
In famine He will redeem you from death, and in battle from the stroke of the sword.

Psalm 18:50
Great salvation He brings to His king. He shows loving devotion to His anointed, to David and his descendants forever.

Psalm 140:7
O GOD the Lord, the strength of my salvation, You shield my head in the day of battle.

Treasury of Scripture
It is he that gives salvation to kings: who delivers David his servant from the hurtful sword.

that giveth

Psalm 18:50
Great deliverance giveth he to his king; and sheweth mercy to his anointed, to David, and to his seed for evermore.

Psalm 33:16-18
There is no king saved by the multitude of an host: a mighty man is not delivered by much strength…

2 Samuel 5:19-25
And David inquired of the LORD, saying, Shall I go up to the Philistines? wilt thou deliver them into mine hand? And the LORD said unto David, Go up: for I will doubtless deliver the Philistines into thine hand…


Isaiah 45:1-6
Thus saith the LORD to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have holden, to subdue nations before him; and I will loose the loins of kings, to open before him the two leaved gates; and the gates shall not be shut; …

Jeremiah 27:6-8
And now have I given all these lands into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon, my servant; and the beasts of the field have I given him also to serve him…

who delivereth

Psalm 140:7
O GOD the Lord, the strength of my salvation, thou hast covered my head in the day of battle.

1 Samuel 17:45,46
Then said David to the Philistine, Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied…

2 Samuel 21:16,17
And Ishbibenob, which was of the sons of the giant, the weight of whose spear weighed three hundred shekels of brass in weight, he being girded with a new sword, thought to have slain David…


Psalm 144:9
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