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[#] Mon Apr 24 2023 12:58:32 EDT from giw

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Soon arrival of the antichrist

[#] Mon Apr 24 2023 13:01:50 EDT from giw

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[#] Mon Apr 24 2023 13:02:47 EDT from giw

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Prepare to stand

[#] Mon Apr 24 2023 13:03:58 EDT from giw

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Global Digital ID

[#] Mon Apr 24 2023 13:04:46 EDT from giw

Subject: 1981 Movie 'Early Warning'

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[#] Mon Apr 24 2023 14:03:38 EDT from giw

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Psalm 83? That was fulfilled 75 years ago! Next up, Ezekiel 38...

Why I Believe We Are Not Watching the Fulfillment of Psalm 83

[#] Mon May 01 2023 17:37:28 EDT from giw

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Israel365News: We are in the time of the Messiah now

Orthodox Jews do not yet know Jesus Christ as their Messiah, but they understand 'We are in the time of the Messiah now'.  Unfortunately, as Jesus foretells, when the Antichrist comes in his own name, they will initially follow him.

What I found interesting about this article, referencing a blog post by Rabbi Efraim Palvanov, is how the author ironically tangles the serpent image associated with the tribe of Dan with the Messiah and the tribe of Judah.  This is the deception of the Antichrist.  Jesus explains what it meant when 'Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness': He who knew no sin, became sin for us.  Throughout the whole Bible, the snake symbolizes sin, originating from that 'serpent of old', and embodied in 'the lawless one', the Antichrist.   It's significant that Dan is not listed as a part of the 144,000.  Instead, Dan may be on the wrong side of the ultimate fulfillment of Genesis 3:15.

We can be sure He is coming soon, and that should impact how we live!

[#] Wed May 10 2023 00:29:28 EDT from G & R Wilson

Subject: JCOMES777: Rabbi says we are in the time of Messiah NOW

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 This guy has some more great perspectives on this same story out of Israel!

[#] Mon Jun 19 2023 12:08:06 EDT from giw

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Prophecy Brief: A(nt)I-christ?



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