2719. chereb
Lexical Summary
chereb: a sword
Original Word: חֶרֶב
Transliteration: chereb
Phonetic Spelling: (kheh'-reb)
Part of Speech: Noun Feminine
Short Definition: a sword
Meaning: drought, a cutting instrument, as a, knife, sword
Strong's Concordance
axe, dagger, knife, mattock, sword, tool

From charab; drought; also a cutting instrument (from its destructive effect), as a knife, sword, or other sharp implement -- axe, dagger, knife, mattock, sword, tool.

see HEBREW charab


H2719. chereb

חֶ֫רֶב411 noun feminineIsaiah 21:15 sword (as weapon; Aramaic חַרְבָּא‎, , Zinjirli חרב‎; Arabic dart, javelin) — absolute חֶ֫רֶבGenesis 3:24 +; חָ֑רֶבExodus 17:13 +; construct חֶ֫רֶבDeuteronomy 33:29 +; suffix חַרְבִּיExodus 15:9 13t.; חַרְבְּךָGenesis 27:40 7t.; חֵרְבֶּ֑ךָ1 Samuel 17:33; Psalm 17:13; חַרְבּוֺNumbers 22:23-24t.; חַרְבְּכֶםJeremiah 2:30; Ezekiel 33:26; חַרְבָּםPsalm 37:15; 44:4; plural חֲרָבוֺתIsaiah 21:15 5t.; construct חַרְבוֺתJoshua 5:2 2t.; suffix חַרְבוֺתָיוEzekiel 26:9; חַרְבוֺתָםIsaiah 2:4-5t.; חַרְבֹתֵיהֶםMicah 4:3 2t.; —

1. a. sword, as weapon of war Genesis 48:22 (E), Judges 7:14, 20; 1 Samuel 21:9, and so in all periods; two-edged (short) sword ׳ח אָרְכָּהּ גֹּמֶד פֵיוֺ֖ת שְׁנֵי וְלָהּJudges 3:16, compare ׳ח מִּיּוֺתProverbs 5:4 (in simile), ׳ח מִּיפִיּוֺתPsalm 149:6; see also ח ׳צוּרedge of sword 89:44.

b. gird on sword = הח ׳חָגַר1 Samuel 17:39; 25:13 (3 t. in verse); Psalm 45:4 (יָרֵך עַל ׳ח ׳הח‎), ירך על שִׂיםExodus 32:27, compare especially 2 Samuel 20:8.

c. draw the sword הח ׳הֵרִיקExodus 15:9; Leviticus 26:33; Ezekiel 5:2, 12; 12:14; 28:7, הח ׳הוציא21:8; 21:10, הח ׳פתחPsalm 37:14; Ezekiel 21:33, נטשׁIsaiah 21:15 (Gr Che לטשׁ‎ see below); usually הח ׳שׁלףNumbers 22:23, 31; Joshua 5:13; Judges 3:22; 8:10, 20; 9:54; 1 Samuel 17:51; 31:4 = 1 Chronicles 10:4; 21:16, and as characteristic of warriors ח ׳שֹׁלֵףJudges 20:2, 15, 17, 25, 35, 46; 2 Samuel 24:9; 2 Kings 3:26; 1 Chronicles 21:5 (twice in verse); אֶלהַֿח יָדוֺ ׳וַתִּדְבַּק2 Samuel 23:10, insert also in "" 1 Chronicles 11:13 (Dr).

d. whet, sharpen the sword הח ׳לטשׁPsalm 7:13 (compare Isaiah 21:15 above), but also שׁנןDeuteronomy 32:41 compare Psalm 64:4, הוּחַדָּהEzekiel 21:14; 21:16.

e. put up the sword into the sheath הח ׳הֵשִׁיב אֶלנְֿדָנָהּ1 Chronicles 21:27 (sheath of sword is elsewhere תַּעַר‎ 1 Samuel 7:51; 2 Samuel 20:8; Jeremiah 47:6; Ezekiel 21:8).

f. slay with sword ׳בח הרגJoshua 10:11; 13:22 +; in אנשׁים ימותו1 Samuel 2:33, insert בְּחֶרֶב‎ before ᵐ5 אנשׁים‎ We Dr; rarely בח ׳הכהJoshua 11:10; 2 Kings 19:37 = Isaiah 37:38; very often לְפִיחֿ ׳הִכָּהsmite according to the mouth of the sword i.e. as the sword can devour (2 Samuel 2:26; 11:25) = without quarter Numbers 21:24 (E) Deuteronomy 13:16; a 20:13; Joshua 11:11-12, 14 (all D) Judges 18:27; 21:10; 1 Kings 10:25; Job 1:15, 17; also with העיר‎ as sole object Joshua 8:24; 10:28, 30, 32, 35, 37, compare 10:39; 19:47; Judges 1:8, 25; 20:37; 1 Samuel 22:19 (twice in verse); 2 Samuel 15:14; לפיחֿ ׳הרגGenesis 34:26 (J); לפיחֿ ׳החריםDeuteronomy 13:16b (including הָעִיר‎ in object), Joshua 6:21; 1 Samuel 15:8, לפיחֿ ׳חלשׁExodus 17:13 (E); לפיחֿ ׳נפלJoshua 8:24; Judges 4:16; י ׳ל֗֗֗פיחֿ׳וַיָּהָם4:15; — (׳לפיחֿ‎ is chiefly in Joshua and Judges (21 t.), in Hexateuch only J E D; but Job post-exilic).

g. הח ׳אכלה‎ etc., of the sword as devouring:בָשָׂר חַרְבִּי תּאֹכֵלDeuteronomy 32:42 (poetry), 2 Samuel 2:26; 11:25; 18:8; Isaiah 1:10; Jeremiah 2:30; 46:10, 14; Nahum 2:14.

h. slain by sword is ׳חֲלַלחִֿNumbers 19:16 (P) and frequently Ezekiel, ׳חַלְלֵיחֿEzekiel 31:17-18, 32:21, 25, 28, 29, 30, 32; 35:8 ח ׳מְחֻלְלֵי‎ Ezekiel 35:26 < Co ׳חלליחֿ‎ (on text of 32:20, 22, 31 see Co).

i. ח ׳שְׁבֻיוֺתGenesis 31:26 are captives of (taken by) sword.

j. sword frequently agent of ׳יJudges 7:20; Isaiah 34:6; Jeremiah 12:12; 47:6 etc., — so Deuteronomy 28:22, but read חֹרֶב‎ see below I. חרב‎ (compare on other hand 1 Samuel 17:47); note especially Genesis 3:24 הַמִּתְהַמֶּכֶת הח ׳לַהַט‎; in poetry ח ׳לַהַכNahum 3:3, ח ׳בְּרַקDeuteronomy 32:41.

k. ׳ח‎ figurative of tongue Psalm 57:5; compare 59:8; figurative of violence war, etc., Genesis 27:40; in simile Proverbs 5:4 (of grievous end of dealings with strange women).

2 knife ׳ח צֻרִים‎ flint knives for use in circumcision Joshua 5:2-3,(see WeSkizzen iii, 166); Ezekiel 5:1-2,הַגַּלָּבִים ׳ח תַּעַר חַדָּה‎ (according to Co use of sword as razor is significant).

3 of tools used in hewing stone עליה הֵנַפְתָּ חַרְבְּךָExodus 20:25; בח ׳יִתֹּץEzekiel 26:9, according to most = tools, axes, 'steel' (Co ' Eisen '), but possibly swords as implement ready to hand; 2 Chronicles 34:6 Qr בְּחַרְבֹתֵיהֶםwith their tools; read perhaps בְּחָרְבֹתֵיהֶםin their ruins, Be, who compare Psalm 109:10; see חָרְבָּה‎ below II. חרב‎ (ᵑ9 ᵐ5‎ omit חרב‎).


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