44 Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.
45 Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his master made ruler over his household, to give them food in due season?
46 Blessed is that servant whom his master, when he comes, will find so doing.

A-B-C of Salvation
Eternal Life in Heaven
BibleSD Cards
Online Bibles & Resources
Bible Prophecy
Access 1,300 Bible translations over WiFi

What is Bible.Local?

  • WiFi server sharing BibleSD content
  • 1,300 Bible translations in 900 languages
  • OpenBible interlinear Hebrew & Greek
  • Includes offline duplication tool

Yes, anyone can make one!

1. Obtain a Raspberry Pi Zero W 2 or Raspberry Pi 4
2. Obtain a 64GB (or larger) microSD card
3. Download the image file (checksum: sha256)
4. Write the image file to the microSD card using a program like:
5. insert the microSD card
6. Connect power and wait 2-3 minutes
7. Connect to WiFi:
SSID: Living-Water
password: John4-14
8. Open http://bible.local and click Configure to change the server password.
That's it!

Share the WiFi login with others and encourage them to connect and read God's Word at:


info See the User Manual for more information.

WiFi Connection

  • Connect to WiFi
    (Living-Water, John4-14)

  • Browse to http://bible.local
Note: smartphones may require data to be disabled when accessing bible.local over WiFi.

Bible.Local content  direct link 

It can clone itself...

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User Manual  direct link 

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