5186. natah
Lexical Summary
natah: to stretch out, spread out, extend, incline, bend
Original Word: נָטָה
Transliteration: natah
Phonetic Spelling: (naw-taw')
Part of Speech: Verb
Short Definition: to stretch out, spread out, extend, incline, bend
Meaning: to stretch out, spread out, extend, incline, bend
Strong's Concordance
afternoon, apply, bow down carry aside, decline, deliver, extend, go down

A primitive root; to stretch or spread out; by implication, to bend away (including moral deflection); used in a great variety of application (as follows) -- + afternoon, apply, bow (down, - ing), carry aside, decline, deliver, extend, go down, be gone, incline, intend, lay, let down, offer, outstretched, overthrown, pervert, pitch, prolong, put away, shew, spread (out), stretch (forth, out), take (aside), turn (aside, away), wrest, cause to yield.


H5186. natah

נָטָה215 verb stretch out, spread out, extend, incline, bend (Late Hebrew id., incline, spread tent, etc.; Arabic stretch out); —

Qal137 Perfect3masculine singular ׳נGenesis 33:19 +; 3 feminine singular נָָֽכְתָהNumbers 22:33; 2masculine singular נָטִיתָExodus 15:12; 3plural נָטוּ‎ Psalm 21:42; Isaiah 45:12, נָטָ֫יוּPsalm 73:2 Qr, etc.; Imperfect יִטֶּהJob 15:29, jussive יֵטZephaniah 2:13; וַיֵּטGenesis 12:8 +, וַיֶּטֿ26:27; 1 Chronicles 15:1; 3feminine singular תִּטֶּהJob 31:7, וַתֵּטNumbers 22:23 2t.; 2 masculine singular jussive תֵּטProverbs 4:5, 27; 3masculine plural וַיִּטּוּ1 Samuel 8:3; 1plural נִטֶּהNumbers 20:17; 21:22; Imperative נְטֵהExodus 8:1 +; Infinitive construct נְטוֺתJudges 19:8 4t., נְטֹתExodus 23:2; suffix נְטֹתִי7:5, נְטוֺתוֺPsalm 109:23; Participle active נֹטֶהJeremiah 10:20 6t., נוֺטֶהEzekiel 25:16 3t.; suffix נוֺטֵיהָםIsaiah 42:5; passive נָטוּיPsalm 62:4 2t., + 73:2 (see below); feminine singular נְטוּיָהIsaiah 5:25 24t., plural נְטֻיוֺת3:16 Qr (Kt נטוות‎): —

1. a. stretch out, extend, hand, rod, usually with accusative + עַל‎ of direction Exodus 9:22-23, 10:12-13, 21, 22 (all E), 7:19; 14:16, 21, 26, 27 (all P), absolute Joshua 8:19 (JE), Exodus 8:12 (P); with ב‎ of dart or rod ׳נ אֶלֿ בַּכִּידוֺןJoshua 8:18 (twice in verse) (JE), ׳נ עַלֿ בְּמַטֶּ֔ךָ יָָֽדְךָExodus 8:1 (P), compare 8:2 and (עַל‎ omitted) 8:13 (all P), Joshua 8:26 (JE); figurative of hostility to God ׳נ אֶלֿ יָדוֺJob 15:25; especially of God stretching out his hand over (עַל‎) often with idea of against, i.e. in judgment, Isaiah 5:25; 23:11; Zephaniah 1:4; 2:13; Ezekiel 6:14 7t. Ezekiel; Exodus 7:5 (P); with אֶלֿagainst Joel Ex 51:25, compare sword Ezekiel 30:25; absolute Exodus 15:12 (song); passive participle ׳נ גָּרוֺןIsaiah 3:16 outstretched of neck; often נְטוּיָה זְרוֺעarm stretched out (of ׳י‎) to deliver, Deuteronomy 4:34 14t. (see זְרוֺעַ‎); נ ׳אֶזְרוֺעַJeremiah 32:21; נ ׳יָד‎, to oppose, 21:5; נְטוּיָה יָדוֺ עוֺד‎ in judgment, Isaiah 5:25 ("" אַמּוֺ שָׁב לֹא‎), so 9:11; 9:16; 9:20; 10:4 (all "" id.), compare 14:27; עַלֿ הַנְּטוּיָה הַיָּד14:26; יָדִי נָטִיתִיProverbs 1:24 (of wisdom's appeal; "" קָרָאתִי‎).

b. stretch line and plummet,

c. עַל2 Kings 21:13 (subject ׳י‎ figurative of destruction), compare Isaiah 34:11; Lamentations 2:8; line, of artisan's measurements (absolute) Isaiah 44:13, and (with עַל‎) Job 38:5.

c. = offer, only עָלֶיךָ נֹטֶה אֲנִי שָׁלוֺשׁ1 Chronicles 21:10 three things do I offer unto thee (so read probably also "" 2 Samuel 24:12, see נטל‎).

2 Spread out, i.e. pitch, tent Genesis 12:8; 26:25; 35:21 (all J), 33:19 (E), Judges 4:11, compare Jeremiah 43:10; figurative of establishing people 10:20; of sacred tent Exodus 33:7 (JE), 2 Samuel 6:17 = 1 Chronicles 16:1; 15:1; 2 Chronicles 1:14; object heavens (spread out by ׳י‎ as tent) Jeremiah 10:12 9t., compare Job 26:7; object likeness of firmament in Ezekiel's vision Ezekiel 1:22.

3 Bend, turn, incline:

a. intransitive, of wady Numbers 21:15 (J E; with לְ‎); turn aside, of Balaam's ass 22:23 (מִןהַֿדֶּרֶךְ‎), 22:33 (מִמָּנַי‎), compare 22:33 (לְפָנַי‎); with adverb accusative 22:26, so of Israel 20:17, and (with מֵעָלָיו‎) 20:21; with בinto, 21:22; of individual 2 Samuel 2:19 (עַל לָלֶכֶת‎), 2:21 (עַל‎), Jeremiah 14:8 (c. infinitive); compare Genesis 38:1 (עַד‎), 38:16 (אֶלֿ‎); figurative of deviating from path of loyalty 1 Kings 2:28 (with אַחֲרֵי‎), compare Judges 9:3 (of heart), or of righteousness Exodus 23:2 [yet on text compare BuZAW xi (1891), 113 Ryon the passage], 1 Samuel 8:3 (all with אַחֲרֵי‎); with מִןJob 31:7; Psalm 44:19, compare Proverbs 4:5 and (c. adverb accusative) 4:27; י ׳מֵעִם1 Kings 11:9 (of heart), compare Psalm 119:51; 119:157; incline, (of heart), with לְ1 Samuel 14:7 (read נָטָה לְבָֽבְךָ‎ or ׳ל נֹטֶה‎ Th We Dr Klo Bu HPS Löhr); decline, of shadow on dial 2 Kings 20:10 ("" הָלַךְ‎, opposed to אֲחֹרַנִּית שׁוּב‎), figurative of failing life Psalm 102:12; 109:23; of day Judges 19:8 + 19:9 (text emendations, see GFM); bend down, לָאָרֶץ יִטֶּהJob 15:29, בָּאָרֶץ לִנְטוֺתPsalm 17:11 (both dubious, see Commentaries); apparently בְּכֹחַ וַיֵּטJudges 16:30 and he bowed with all his might (after וַיִּסָּמֵךְ וַיִּלְמֹּת,‎; al. stretched himself i.e. gave a thrust, Be GFM, but verb less often intransitive in this sense); of אֵלַי וַיֵּט ׳י,Psalm 40:2 and he inclined unto me, — הַמִּלְחָמָה וַתֵּט‎ is read 1 Samuel 4:2 by ᵐ5‎ Dr Klo Bu, compare נָטַשׁ

b. less often transitive, bend, bow, לִסְבֹּל שִׁכְמוֺ וַיֵּטGenesis 49:15 (Issachar under figure of ass); נָטוּי קְירPsalm 62:4 (simile of fate of wicked; "" הַדְּחוּיָה גָּדֵר‎); here belongs also probably רַגְלָ֑י נָטוּי כִּמְעַט וַאֲנִי73:2 (Kt) and I was almost prostrated as to my feet (i.e. by stumbling; Qr נָטָיוּ‎ Perfect 3 masculine plural but needless, compare Bae; "" ׃ אֲשֻׁרָֽי שֻׁמְּכֻה כְּאַיִן‎); ׳נ לִבִּי119:112 I have inclined my heart (c. infinitive); of וַיֵּרַד֑ שָׁמַיִם וַיֵּט ׳י,2 Samuel 22:10 = Psalm 18:10; also figurative, hold out, extend unto, of ׳י‎, object חֶסֶדGenesis 39:21 (J), שָׁלוֺם‎ etc., Isaiah 66:12 (both with אֶלֿ‎); of men רָעָחPsalm 21:12 (עַל‎).

Niph`al be stretched out; — Perfect3masculine plural נִטָּ֫יוּNumbers 24:6 (J E; compare II. נַחַל‎); Imperfect3masculine singular עַלֿ יִנָּטֶהZechariah 1:16 (of measuring line, for building); stretch themselves out, i.e. grow long, 3 masculine plural יִנָּטוּJeremiah 6:4 (of shadows, "" הַיּוֺם מָּנָה‎).

Hiph`il75 Perfect הִטָּהEzra 7:28; Psalm 116:2, suffix הִטָּ֫הוּ‎3feminine singular suffix הִטַּ֫תּוּProverbs 7:21; 1singular הִטִּיתִי5:13; 3plural הִטּוּAmos 5:12 8t.; 2 masculine plural הִטִּיתֶםJeremiah 25:4; 35:15; Imperfect יַטֶּהIsaiah 31:3, וַיַּט‎ 2 Samuel 9:15; Ezra 9:9; 2masculine singular תַּמֶּהExodus 23:6 3t., jussive תַּטPsalm 27:9; 141:4; 1singular אַטֶּהJeremiah 6:12; Psalm 49:5, אָ֑טJob 23:11, וְאַטHosea 11:4, but read perhaps וָאַט‎ (compare Now) as Jeremiah 15:6; etc.; Imperative הַטֵּה2 Kings 19:16 7t., הַטPsalm 17:6 5t. Psalms, Proverbs; feminine singular הַטִּיGenesis 24:14; Psalm 45:11; masculine plural הַטּוּJoshua 24:23 3t.; Infinitive construct לְהַטּוֺתIsaiah 10:8 4t., לְהַטֹּתExodus 23:2; suffix לְהַטּוֺתָהּNumbers 22:23; Participle מַטֶּהDeuteronomy 27:19; masculine plural מַטִּיםPsalm 125:5, construct מַטֵּיMalachi 3:5; —

1 rarely stretch out (as Qal 1), hand Isaiah 31:3 (of ׳י‎ in hostility), with עַלJeremiah 6:12; 15:6.

2 rarely spread out cloth on (אֶל‎) rock 2 Samuel 21:10; as Qal 2: tent 16:22 (+ ל‎ person), tent-curtains (figurative of growth) Isaiah 54:2.

3 usually turn, incline, with accusative, in many senses:

a. literally turn ass into (accusative) road Numbers 22:23 (JE); take aside 2 Samuel 3:27 (accusative of person + אֶלֿ‎), 6:10 (accusative of thing + accusative = to) = 1 Chronicles 13:13 (אֶלֿ‎); incline, turn jar of water Genesis 24:14 (J; to give drink); intransitive only עַלֿ יַטּוּAmos 2:8 on garments taken in pledge they recline, and מִנֵּיאֹֿרַח הַטּוּIsaiah 30:11 turn aside, out of the path (i.e. do not interfere with us; "" מִנֵּידֶֿרֶךְ סוּרוּ‎).

b. figurative, עֲקַלְקַלּוֺתָם הַמַּטִּיםPsalm 125:5 those turning aside their crooked (ways), i.e. making their ways crooked; compare (negative) Job 23:11.

c. turn, = influence, heart 2 Samuel 19:15; turn (away) heart (cause to apostatize) 1 Kings 11:2, 4 (with אַחֲרֵי‎), 11:3 (absolute); לֵב‎ subject, with accusative of person Isaiah 44:20 compare Job 36:18 (accusative of person); of persuasion, with accusative of person Proverbs 7:21 ("" תַּדִּיחֶנּוּ‎).

d. incline one's own heart unto (אֶל‎) God and his commands, Joshua 24:23 (E), compare Proverbs 2:2 (ל‎); subject ׳י‎, 1 Kings 8:58; Psalm 119:36, with עַלֿProverbs 21:1; negative (with ל‎) Psalm 141:4.

e. especially incline the ear, of men (in obedience to God), usually "" שָׁמַע‎: absolute Jeremiah 7:24 6t. Jeremiah (all negative), so 25:4; 44:5 (+ infinitive), Isaiah 55:3; to inspired teacher Proverbs 4:20 ("" הִקְשִׁיב‎), 5:1 ("" id.) 5:13 (all with ל‎), 22:17; Psalm 45:11; 78:1 (הַאֲזִינָה‎); to receive revelation 49:5; of God, listening to men, sometimes "" שָׁמַע‎: 2 Kings 19:16 = Isaiah 37:17; Daniel 9:18, with לPsalm 17:6; also (with אֶלֿ31:3; 71:2; 102:3, with לְ88:3; 116:2, absolute 86:1; once אֵלָיו וְאַטHosea 11:4 and I used to incline etc. (either rare intransitive, or object omitted, e.g. אָזְנִי‎ read perhaps וָאַט‎ (וָאֵט‎ ?) and I inclined, after וָאָהְיֶה‎).

f. bend down heavens, of ׳י‎ (compare Qal 3 b), Psalm 144:5; = hold out, extend unto (from above, עַל‎) Ezra 7:28; 9:9 (object חֶסֶד‎).

g. thrust aside, especially with accusative מִשְׁמָּט‎ of perverting or wresting justice: Exodus 23:6 (E), 1 Samuel 8:3; Deuteronomy 16:19; 24:17; 27:19; Lamentations 3:35, compare Amos 2:7; מִשְׁמָּט אָרְחוֺת לְהַטּוֺתProverbs 17:23; also with accusative of person דַּלִּים מִדִּין לְהַטּוֺתIsaiah 10:2; Amos 5:12; Isaiah 29:21; Malachi 3:5, מִדָּ֑רֶךְ אֶבְיֹנִים יַטּוּJob 24:4, בַּמִּשְׁמָּט צַדִּיק לְהַטּוֺתProverbs 18:5; here belongs probably לְהַטֹּתExodus 23:2 (E; absolute), perhaps insert מִשְׁמָּט‎ (compare BuZAW xi. (1891), 113 Ryon the passage).

h. thrust away, of עַבְדֶּ֑ךָ בְּאַף אַלתַּֿט ׳י,Psalm 27:9; compare הִטּוּאֵֿלֶּה עֲוֺנוֺתֵיכֶםJeremiah 5:25 your iniquities have thrust away (deprived you of) these (harvests).


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